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11-Days Best of Cambodia & Song Saa
Phnom Penh - Siem Reap - Sihanoukville


Day 01 Phnom Penh arrival

Upon arrival at Phnom Penh airport, you will be welcomed by your local English speaking guide and transferred to your hotel in the heart of the city.

Phnom Penh was once considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the Orient, and despite its recent turbulent history, it still retains a colonial charm. Cambodia’s capital is a bustling city, majestically located at the confluence of the mighty rivers of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap. Wide tree-lined boulevards and many colonial-era buildings reflect the glorious days and add to the allure of the city, where Asian and Western traditions meet in a fascinating way.
In the afternoon you will be greeted by a driver who will take you on a tour to the most remarkable sights of Phnom Penh in a Cyclo, an original Phnom Penh means of transportation and a fun way to explore this lively city. First, head to the National Museum, which was built in traditional Khmer style. It houses the world's foremost collection of ancient Khmer artistic, archaeological, and religious artifacts from the 4th to the 13th centuries. Over 5,000 pieces are on display, constituting the repository of the Kingdom's cultural wealth. In addition, the roof space is home to a large bat colony!

Continue to the Royal Palace, which dates back to 1866 and was the last palace built during the French colonial period. The same complex houses the Silver Pagoda, named for the over 5000 heavy silver tiles that cover its floors. Its original name is Wat Prakeo, meaning Temple of the Emerald Buddha. In this temple you will view a collection of Buddhas in gold, silver, crystal, and bronze.

After visit the Wat Phnom temple, the founding place of the city on a small hilltop head to the riverside area of Phnom Penh, a pleasant French style promenade that is great for people viewing. In the early evening (and morning) various activities take place include exercise classes, Khmer dancing and plenty of snacking on local food. You can participate in a Khmer dance class which is a lot of fun for all!

Overnight in Phnom Penh.

Day 02 Phnom Penh

This morning gain insight into Cambodia’s recent dark history on a visit to the remarkable Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, housed in the former school that was taken over by the Khmer Rouge and used as its main detention and torture center named ‘S-21’. Further visit the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek. The audio headset guide provided is available in 15 different languages and gives some harrowing but informative stories from survivors and liberators of the camp. A grim, but important visit that will allow you to dig below the surface and understand Cambodia better.

Spend the rest of the morning browsing through the colourful markets of Phnom Penh. Visit the Central Market, an art deco landmark and one of the largest markets in the city, if not all of Cambodia. You can find clothes, souvenirs, jewellery, and food. Also visit the Russian Market, the best place in the city for wood and stone carvings, jewellery, clothes and Cambodian silk souvenirs.

In the afternoon take a break with the chance to enjoy your hotel swimming pool or perhaps some optional spa treatment.

This evening get inspired by Cambodian arts as you watch a traditional dance performance by Cambodian Living Arts (CLA). A rotating program is offering consisting of 3 unique performances: Children of Bassac (Classical and Folk Dance), Mak Therng and Passage of Life (Music and Theatre). Oct-Mar shows daily except Sun, Apr-Sep on Fri/Sat only.

All the shows last one hour and are held in the atmospheric gardens of the National Museum. After many years of gaining recognition for preserving many Cambodian art forms the CLA are today striving towards providing the artists the tools required to make their skills sustainable and also so they can make a competitive income from their work.

Overnight in Phnom Penh.

Day 03 Phnom Penh ~ Siem Reap

This morning transfer to the airport for your flight to Siem Reap (1 hr), the gateway to the majestic temples of Angkor and a charming little city. Your local English speaking guide will welcome you and accompany you to your hotel for check in.

In the afternoon begin your exploration with a visit to the Small Circuit temples by ‘remork’ (similar to the Thai tuk tuk). Start your tour with a visit to Ta Prohm temple, built in the mid-12th to early 13th centuries. Ta Prohm is unique in that it has been left largely as it was found: overgrown by jungle trees and vines, with many parts of the temple crumbling to the ground. This makes Ta Prohm one of the most picturesque and memorable of the Angkor temples.
Continue to the ancient city of Angkor Thom. Angkor Thom was the last capital of the Great Khmer Empire under the reign of Jayavarman VII. This city is surrounded by an 8m high wall, drawing a perfect square. From here, continue to Bayon Temple in the exact center of the city. This 12th century masterpiece is a study in grandeur and is well-known for its 54 towers with enigmatic faces representing the 54 provinces of the Great Khmer Empire.

After a wonderful tour at the temple, enjoy a relaxing cruise in a gondola paddle boat at the moat of Angkor Thom compound while watching a spectacular sunset at Prasat Chroung temple. Cocktails, champagne, canapés and a soft drink will be available on the boat, as your boat paddles slowly along the ancient moat.

Return to the hotel for a chance to freshen up.
Overnight in Siem Reap.

Day 04 Siem Reap

This morning explore the famous Angkor Wat. Built during the reign of King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century, Angkor Wat is constructed following the model of the temple mountain symbolizing the Mount Meru, home of the gods. The divine residence of Vishnu, the King himself was to reside here after his death. Inside the temple, the walls are covered with stone carvings and bas-reliefs depicting Hindu mythology and the wars Suryavarman II fought during his reign. Moreover, Angkor Wat is well known for the more than 2,000 Apsara dancers decorating the temple. Construction is thought to have taken around thirty years of intensive labor. Today, Angkor Wat is figured on Cambodia's national flag as the temple symbolizes the soul of the Khmer people.

Take a break for lunch back at the hotel (at own expense).

The afternoon is then at leisure so you can enjoy the swimming pool or perhaps an optional spa treatment.

This evening attend a performance of ‘Phare, the Cambodian Circus’. Starting at 7pm, professional artists of Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPS) will perform an inspiring show suitable for people of all ages. Set up in Battambang in 1994 by young returnee Cambodians from the refugee camps who learned about using art as a means of coping with trauma, PPS has played an influential role in promoting and developing Khmer culture over the years after the Khmer Rouge genocide. The hour long show mixes traditional and modern theater, music, dance, acrobatics, juggling and contortion performed in a story about Cambodian lives and society. Student performances can still be seen twice weekly in Battambang but now the circus has arrived in Siem Reap!

Overnight in Siem Reap.

Day 05 Siem Reap

In the morning, head to quiet Beng Mealea, around 65 km from Siem Reap. Enjoy a short walk through the dense jungle and feel like an explorer when you discover the completely overgrown temple. Undiscovered for centuries, Beng Mealea has only recently been made accessible and remains unrestored. It is one of the very few temples that actually give the opportunity to climb through it. From Beng Mealea, it is not far to the shore of Tonle Sap Lake.

Embark on an interesting boat trip on the Tonlé Sap Lake, where you will have the opportunity to learn about life on the lake. The Tonlé Sap Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia and officially designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, covering an area of around 250,000 hectares in the dry season. Due to a unique phenomenon, when the monsoon begins, the swollen waters of the Mekong River force the Tonle Sap River to reverse its flow northwards, feeding the Great Lake and spreading over the surrounding flood plain.

Board a local boat and visit the village of Kampong Kleang, where only few tourists venture. Embark on a boat ride through the village where the fisherman and their families live in stilted houses among the petrified mangrove forests and waterways. Enjoy the fascinating scenery of Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake. (Note: during the months Apr-Sep the water level may be too low for a visit by boat. However the village is still fascinating and can be visited by car. Quite dramatic to see how the stilted houses are exposed from lake when water levels are low!)

Enjoy a packed lunch brought from your hotel at one of the local houses as you watch everyday life at the village.

Return to Siem Reap for a little time to relax in the afteroon.

Overnight in Siem Reap.

Day 06 Siem Reap

This morning head out of town to see the “gem” of the Angkor area, the pretty temple of Banteay Srei. The so-called “Citadel of the Women” remains the best preserved temple in Cambodia. It displays some of the finest examples of classical Khmer art as this small temple is noted for its truly remarkable fine bas-reliefs. Banteay Srei is unique in that it is constructed of pink sandstone, which is seen nowhere else in Angkor.

After visit the Golden Silk Pheach Farm, a local Ngo which helps to revive the ancient Khmer know-how in silk activities and provides job opportunities to more than 100 local staff. The farm area, mulberry trees and weaving ateliers can be seen as part of the guided tour. Golden Silk products are ecologically produced from the yellow silkworm which is unique to Cambodia. Some of the silk products are months, or even years, in the making and each one is unique. This is one for the connoisseurs of high quality craftwork. 

Return in time for a late lunch (at own expense). Take a break this afternoon. Or opt for an optional 20 minute helicopter excursion to see the highlights of Siem Reap from above.

Overnight in Siem Reap.

Day 07 Siem Reap ~ Sihanoukville

Spend the morning exploring Siem Reap’s colorful markets with the chance to shop for souvenirs or simply observe the vibrant local scenes as people go about their everyday lives.

Transfer to the airport for your onward afternoon flight to Sihanoukville (60 mins, flight daily from July 2013 – subject to change).

After transfer from Sihanoukville airport and then by speedboat (both may be shared with other resort passengers) to the private island of Song Saa. Located in the touristic undeveloped Koh Rong Archipelago, off the southwest coast of Cambodia in the Gulf of Thailand, which leaves no wish unfulfilled.

Overnight at Song Saa Private Island.

Day 08 Sihanoukville

Enjoy the day free at your leisure.

Snorkelling around the resort
Sea kayaking
Bird watching from sister island Koh Bong
In Villa Movie Experience
Sunrise yoga
Song Saa Conversation & Community Programmme
Island Safari
Song Saa Rainforest Encounter
Koh Kong Rainforest Encounter
Marine Safari
Buddhist ceremonies
Song Saa cultural experiences

Excursions available at addtional cost:
Koh Rong Beach picnic
Guided snorkeling around Coral Reef Island
Five Mile Beach excursion
Speedboat hire
Kayak mangrove tour
Song Saa sanctuaries

Overnight at Song Saa Private Island.

Day 09 Sihanoukville

Day free at leisure.
Overnight at Song Saa Private Island.

Day 10 Sihanoukville ~ Phnom Penh

This morning transfer by speedboat (both may be shared with other passengers) back to Sihanoukville port. After continue by road direct to Phnom Penh airport for your late afternoon/evening departure flight.


Have a nice holidays!

Remarks :
Every effort will be made to adhere to the planned itinerary.  However, due to weather conditions and reasons beyond our control, changes to the itinerary might occur, for which the company accepts no responsibility.




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