Home > North America > Canada > Dog Sledding
Canada Yellowknife
Traditional Dog Sled Ride
Departure November - Mid April
01 hour
Ride on traditional dog sled, dash through the frozen Lake and snowy trails, take photo with the cute dogs and dog team. Really exiting and lots of fun.
白雪皚皚的極地上,試著駕駛一組雪橇狗,與至愛親朋同闖林蔭 小徑,欣賞那渺無人煙美景,感受那北國風情。能勝任嗎?有猶 豫嗎?請放心,出發前有我們多年豐富經驗之訓狗師教導,出發 後,更會從旁監護巡邏,以策萬全。能跟雪橇狗拍照嗎?歡迎! 我們的訓狗師正祈候你們的到來,幫您摟摟小狗拍拍照。
Drive your Own Dog Sled
Departure November - Mid April
01 hour
Under the supervision of the dog sled team, you can experience to drive your dog sled through the snowy trails and frozen lakes, explore the natural wonder of such a gigantic land.
Traditional Tour cost: CAD 75/person (GST included)
Self drive CAD 85/person (GST included)
We can custom tailor made a special tour at your preference. If due to delayed flights, bad weather or other conditions beyong our control, any additional cost of lodging, meals, transportation etc would be on your own account.
Tel: +852 9039 9428 / +852 9727 3927 |
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