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TRONGSA 通薩 (2,316m/7,545 ft)

Trongsa is just about four hours' drive from Wangduephodrang, was the ancestral home of Bhutan's royal family and from where the first two kings ruled the kingdom.

This town, perched on steep slopes above a river gorge, forms the central hub of the nation and is the place from where attempts at unifying the country were launched in former times. The landscape around Trongsa is spectacular and its impressive dzong, stretched along a ridge above a ravine, first comes into view about an hour before the winding, mountain road leads, you into the town itself.



Chendebji Chorten

En route to Tongsa is Chendebji Chorten, pattened on Kathmandu's Swayambhunath Stupa, with eyes painted at the four cardinal points. It was built in the 18th century by Lama Shida from Tibet, to cover the remains of an evil spirit that was subdued at this spot.

Tongsa Dzong 通莎宗

Built in 1648, it was the seat of power over central and eastern Bhutan. Both the first and second kings of Bhutan ruled the country from this ancient seat. All four kings were invested and Tongsa Penlop ("governor") prior to ascending the throne, and the present Crown Prince now holds the post. The dzong is a massive structure with many levels, sloping down the contours of the ridge on which it is built. Because of the dzong's highly strategic position, on the only connecting route between east and west, the Tongsa Penlop was able to control effectively the whole of the central and eastern regions of the country from here.

Ta Dzong 塔宗博物館

This watchtower, which once guarded Tongsa Dzong from internal rebellion, stands on a steep slope above the town. Climb up the path to visit Ta Dzong which now houses a shrine dedicated to the epic hero, King Gesar of Ling. A visit to the former watchtower provides visitors with an insight into the significance of Tongsa in Bhutan's history.

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